One Soldier’s Amazing Story!

Everything changed the morning of October 7, 2023.

Jordan* and his unit were among the first to respond when Hamas launched its all-out, horrific attack on Israeli citizens:

We ran towards our armored personnel carrier, but we were greeted by Kalashnikov fire from all directions. More than 40 armed terrorists were heading straight towards us … then we were hit by an RPG.

Can you imagine the unmitigated chaos? The cries of the wounded mixing with the vengeful screams of the terrorists? The fear of what would come next? Jordan continued,

My friend Matthew* took a bullet in the eye when he tried to assess the situation. Then a grenade fell into our vehicle. Matthew asked us all for forgiveness and then threw himself on the grenade. He gave his life to save us.

I began to recite the Shema Yisrael prayer, asking God to protect me, when I saw a terrorist pointing his gun at me. I shot first and killed him. Then a second grenade fell between my legs. I kicked it out, but it exploded and injured my leg, arm, arms and face. I couldn’t see anymore. I couldn’t breathe.

Jordan and his unit were rescued an hour later … but their ordeal had just begun.

Thousands of brave men and women of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been injured since war broke out, and that number climbs every day. Each one faces the challenges of physical and emotional recovery — challenges we cannot let them face alone.

That’s why we’re here. And that’s why we need YOU.

I’m Rabbi Uriel Vigler. In 2009, my wife Shevy and I founded Belev Echad, an international initiative dedicated to providing a system of support and encouragement for wounded warriors of the IDF, empowering each veteran to live a life without limits through our Wounded IDF Project.

Together with compassionate friends like you, we care for courageous IDF heroes who have faced the horrors of war and are now in need of our help to rebuild their lives.

The Wounded IDF Project has become a lifeline for Jordan and many others, providing crucial life-saving treatment, mentorship, advocacy, and friendship.

Our extensive therapies and programs help the soldiers recover and transition back into a meaningful life without limits. We support them and their families every step of the way through what can be a challenging journey, ensuring they are never alone.

As you can imagine, the need for our services has escalated dramatically since the start of the war.

Our dedicated team has delivered over $2.5 million of vital medical and military supplies to the front lines. We visit each hospital in Israel daily, ensuring that every wounded soldier receives critical care packages, emotional support, and encouragement.

To address the overwhelming demand, we transformed our program headquarters into a treatment center, providing essential care and rehabilitation to those in need.

Our expansion includes a formal partnership with the Israeli government, streamlining the process for wounded soldiers to benefit from our therapies and treatments.

The urgency of our mission cannot be overstated. We WILL NEVER turn a soldier away. This is where your support becomes indispensable.

When you give, you will provide food, treatment, medical supplies, and assistance to those wounded in this brutal war.

You’ll also ensure that our new treatment center is fully operational and able to meet the needs of every soldier who comes through our doors.

As the conflict intensifies, the soldiers on the front lines are in desperate need … and your generosity can make a life-or-death difference.

Please, give a gift of $30, $60, or even $100 to the Wounded IDF Project today.

Your prompt response is crucial. No matter the size of your gift, your donation will be put to work immediately, providing a lifeline of assistance and encouragement to those protecting the Holy Land.

These courageous young men and women have risked all for the safety of their nation, their communities, and their people. They’ve put their lives on the line for the Holy Land. Our support of these wounded veterans shows our solidarity and gratitude for their enormous sacrifice.

In this time of great need, there can be no clearer sign to the people of Israel that they are not alone than to support those who have given so much protecting them.

I’m grateful to be able to tell you that Jordan and his loved ones are now part of The Wounded IDF Project family. We have already provided vital therapies, sent weekly groceries, and offered legal aid to alleviate their burdens.

We’ve even seen the occasional smile sneak onto Jordan’s face!

With your help, we can continue supporting soldiers like Jordan and ensure that they emerge from this challenging time stronger than ever.

We can be a blessing to them and, as G-d told Abram,

“I will bless those who bless you” (Genesis 12:3).

When we bless Israel, we are blessed in return.

Israel is under attack, and we need all hands on-deck to fight and win this war.

Your support is not just a donation … it’s a lifeline for those who risk their lives for Israel. Join us to show these soldiers that how much their service means to those of us who call themselves a friend of Israel.

Thank you for your immediate and generous support.


Rabbi Uriel and Shevy Vigler

Rabbi Uriel and Shevy Vigler
Founders & Directors

P.S. The situation is dire. Israel is under attack and your contribution can make a life-or-death difference helping wounded IDF soldiers like Jordan in their hour of need and beyond. Please make the most generous donation you can today. And thank you for being a friend of Israel!

*Names changed to protect privacy


The urgency of the situation is undeniable. Our soldiers need your help now more than ever. Your generous donation empowers us to provide comprehensive assistance to more wounded IDF soldiers and their families.

The more you give, the more soldiers we can help. And they need your help now, more than ever!

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